Help with Moving in Port Ludlow, Port Townsend, and surrounding areas.

Copyright 2022. Linda Kaahanui. All rights reserved.

New Season Move Management is a member of the National Association of Senior Move Managers, a not-for-profit, professional association dedicated to assisting older adults and their families with the physical and emotional demands of downsizing, relocating or modifying their homes. We strive to provide honest, efficient and superior service.

Dedicated to helping older adults transition smoothly into a new season!


About Us

New Season Move Management - Since 2013

This all got started when I had to move my own Mom, now 90, for the 4th time in 8 years!  I could see how distressing it was for her. Will my furniture fit?  What should I do with everything I can't take?  Will I be able to keep my email address? How will my friends know where I am or how to reach me? And all this was before the move began!  Then there was the stressful confusion of finding new services, getting things put away and that hopeless pile of wires that had something to do with the T.V. ...the phone...the DVD player...oh dear.  Pretty overwhelming for this amazing woman who could tell you all about the history of WWII but did not understand a flip phone.  She needed help!  And after doing this drill four times, I had a pretty good idea just what kind of help she needed to remove the stress and make the move a positive experience. Thus, New Season Move Management was born.